Greenbriar Lending is a Private Hard Money Lender looking to fund your deals. If your deal makes sense, we will fund it.

We are a full service and self-funded private/hard money lending company providing fast and flexible financing for residential and commercial investment real estate deals. We lend in Maryland, DC, and Virginia.


Our Process Contact Us

Typical Borrower Requirements


We try to fund as much as possible, but at the end of the day we operate off of a risk based formula. While we can fund up to 100% of your deal, borrowers typically bring some cash as well as all closing costs to the table. It’s best to estimate that you will need 10-20%+ of the loan amount you are seeking. Talk to us, we want to work with you.


To borrow from Greenbriar Lending you do not need perfect credit, but credit does matter. We always pull a credit report for our files. If by chance your credit is poor, talk to us, we understand that each credit situation is unique. We are flexible and work with borrowers of all credit scores. If you have a good deal, we will do everything we can to figure out a way to get it done.


The key component of a deal is the deal itself. We prefer to talk to our borrowers once they have a home under contract, but we understand the analysis process and are here for you. When it comes to underwriting a deal, the collateral is the key piece that determines the maximum loan we can make. Bring on the deals!